Guess who I saw?!

Hello my dear,

Guess who I ran into the other day in Facebook Memories?

Marija circa 2021 - I had just decided that I want to be a life coach and gave birth to baby #3.

I was so cute, so eggar and so clueless. As someone whose life was transformed by life coaching I just wanted to transfer all the knowledge to all of you - I knew it could transform your lifes too.


The journey from there to here has been bumpy to say the least, yet I would not change one little bit about it.

I invested a lot, I met a lot of people, I changed direction a lot, I tried so many things and approaches, and the majority of times I feel flat on my face.

But all of that is worth it if I think that what I do now can help women see themselves differently, with less hate and more acceptance, maybe even some love towards theor body and themselves.

All of that being said, I am here today to say that I am taking a break… not from coaching, but from creating.

I am stepping into era where I want to show up more as myself and share more of myself, and connect to more people and have more fun on line in general.

This means that I will be not making anything new for a while - yes, I, the fountain of ideas, will for a while not go with the flow of the fountain. I will practice being patient and practice sharing parts of me that are not necessarily life coaching.

It will be fun I think. It will definatelly be a test to my impulsivity :D

SO, if you want to see what all of that means, come over to my IG or my TikTok and follow along 🙂!

See you around


Belly Lines

Apple Shape Body Activist. Not all belly fat is created equal.

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